Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Latte is NOT IN FOAL

Artificial Insemination failed - twice. Due to financial restrictions of real life, I couldn't try again last year. I plan to take her up and get Live Cover this spring. 

This is the stallion in question (Gayfields Bling! Bling!), do you like him?

On the other hand, Latte and Deora are doing very well. Deora is going to be a big girl!!

Marty had a fabulous summer with Laura. It included jumping shows, halter, trail, play days, etc. He's been great.

Faloth has matured beautifully. I am so excited to start and ride him this year. He's finally four!

We're looking forward to a full summer with the Welsh ponies, and especially to the Western Idaho Fair in August.

First event of the year for us is this Saturday at Birt Arena. Marty and Mocha will be competing in the North Wind Winter Jumping Series. 

Come back soon. ☺