Sunday, February 26, 2017

New page - an Ardreth picture collection

This week, I have added to the blog a photo gallery for Ardreth. Click and explore some photos from nearly-forgotten warm, summer days.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Faloth - Foam - Clanfair Allegro

I named him Faloth, which is the elvish word for 'foam'. His registered name is Clanfair Allegro. I bought this pony because it was convenient - but I just love this little guy!!
He's gotten taller since last year, and grown up a little bit - more like a beautiful two-year-old and less like a gawky yearling. He's playful, athletic, handsome, has a gorgeous mane, and is supremely charismatic! Here's a collection of some of my favorite photos, taken over the past couple of days. Visit the Wintry Welsh post for some more pictures of him.

His favorite play pal is Mickey, Laura's mustang. They're almost exactly the same age, and Mickey is in most of these pictures.

They are both experts at 'bite the knees'.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Latte - What is she eating?

This post is about what Latte is eating during this last month of her pregnancy. 

First, she has free choice access to hay and a white salt block 24/7.

For a supplement, we are feeding roughly 1 lb. 10 oz. of Purina Molene.
In addition, we've mixed a custom supplement with the following items:
Rice bran
Flax seed meal
Peanut oil 
Magnesium Oxide

Add hot water.

Mix well to make a delicious mash.

Latte is always ready to eat by the time I get there. 

Not only does she love her goodies, but she loves the scratching she gets afterward!

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Wintry Welsh Pony Pictures


 Hello, Beth.

Can I borrow your camera? Because


Getting chummy with the neighbors.


Isn't she gorgeous?

And clearly pregnant...

But why is she shedding like this??
Clearly one of her favorite scratching spots.




Can I take a selfie too?


I'm not fogging up the camera, am I?


Hey, rolling looks like a good idea.

Let me find my spot...